Adding Room EQ to JRiver Media Center
If you use Mac version of JRiver Media Center, download and install the VST version of the MathAudio Room EQ plug-in. Mac version of the JRiver Media Center doesn't support audio inputs that are necessary for the room measurement, but you can use demo version of Reaper for the measurement. The measurement process is as follows:
- Download and install Reaper (demo version is enough).
- Set Reaper in accordance with the image below.
- Make sure that Reaper's indicators show the presence of the mic signal (see figure above).
- Measure the frequency response of your room in accordance with the items 5 and 6 of the Room EQ Help manual. Make no less than 5-20 measurements within the area of possible locations of all listeners. Use the "Save preset" button to save the frequency response as a .snr file.
- Quit Reaper without saving.
- Add Room EQ VST to JRiver Media Center at Player > DSP Studio.. > Manage Plug-ins > Add JRiver, VST or Winamp plug-in (then select MathaudioRoomEQ in the left column).
- Click the "Load preset" button in the Room EQ window to load the .snr file.
If you use Windows version of JRiver Media Center, you need an ASIO driver. If your sound card doesn't support ASIO, you can download universal ASIO driver ASIO4ALL from
Download and open the file, then open its "VST x32" folder and copy the MathaduioRoomEQ.dll file to the JRiver's "Media Center 22" folder which is usually located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\J River\Media Center 22". After that open JRiver Media Center and go to Player > DSP Studio.. > Manage Plug-ins > Add JRiver, VST or Winamp plug-in (then select MathAudioRoomEQ.dll and click "Open"). After that select MathaudioRoomEQ in the left column of the "DSP Studio" window as it is shown below.
You can set direct monitoring (which is necessary for measurement) at File > Open Live... > ASIO Line-in. Click the "Play" button to start the direct monitoring if necessary (see below).
If your audio card supports ASIO, open its configuration panel and make sure that the selected microphone input and audio output are correct. If your sound card doesn't support ASIO and you use the ASIO4ALL driver, read on.
Go to File > Open Live... > ASIO Line-in and select ASIO4ALL as it is shown below.
Close both "ASIO Line-in" and "Open Live" windows. If you use the ASIO4ALL audio driver, a green button with a triangle should appear in the system tray as it is shown below (if you don't see the green button in the tray, open the "Open Live" window ones again, click the "WASAPI Loopback" radio button, then click the "ASIO Line-in" radio button and close the "Open Live" window ones again - you should see the green button).
Click the green button and select your audio interface. Then click the "wrench" button as it is shown below.
Click the "+" button to expand the list as it is shown below.
Select the necessary input and output.
After that measure your room in accordance with the Help manual. If everything is done correctly, you will here loud sweep sounds during the measurement process and the green indicator will show the presence of the microphone signal.
Alternatively, you can load a preset from the Foobar2000 version of the Room EQ plug-in.